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NGP EXPERTISE wishes you an excellent year 2025 !
Tax and social regime for impatriates and expatriates
MY SILAE, la solution paie et RH collaborative de référence évolue
How to ensure the payement of your invoices ?
Mettre en place un mandat de gestion future
Tax audit : what are the procedures in force ?
Caractère professionnel de la location meublée : avantages du régime, et points de vigilance sous le prisme de l’impôt sur les revenus et sous celui de l’IFI.
Do advance made to a subsidiary constitute an abnormal act of management ?
Déclaration des bénéficiaires effectifs: une nouvelle obligation pour les associations
Alexis NANQUETTE will participate in summer school of chartered accountants
Closure of our accounting firm in Paris 15th.
Intéressement des dirigeants et salariés de start-ups : avec vous pensé aux BSPCE ?
Focus sur trois dispositifs d’optimisation au profit du dirigeant de TPE-PME à ne pas négliger : Le Cesu - Les Chèques vacances - Le Compte Formation
NGP EXPERTISE wishes you an excellent new year 2024!
Optimisation des droits de succession : connaissez-vous la donation d’une somme d’argent avec réserve de quasi-usufruit ? Votre expert-comptable vous explique.
Avantages et inconvénients de la donation-partage
Limit your risk of VAT adjustment on international merchandise sales operations
Employment contract new information obligations for the employer
Donation-partage : un outil précieux pour transmettre votre patrimoine en toute sérénité
Adopt the resolutory clause to prevent defaulters
A chartered accountant : what for ?
Zoholics 2023
Le nouveau régime social des indemnités de rupture conventionnelle
Rupture conventionnelle : les étapes de la procédure à ne pas manquer !
Closure of our accounting firm in Paris 15th
Cession de parts sociales avec clause de révision de prix : quelles incidences fiscales ?
Une Provision pour dépréciation du fonds de commerce est déductible si…
Travaux de rénovation énergétique : améliorer le DPE de votre logement grâce au déficit foncier
Rising stock prices: can a provision be made?
Creating a VAT group since 01/01/2023: how?
"Madelin" discount: enjoy it until 31-12-2023?
How to put real estate in your life insurance policy?
Comment mettre de l’immobilier dans son contrat d’assurance-vie ?
How to request the staggering of the reimbursement of your PGE?
Comment demander l’étalement du remboursement de votre PGE ?
Divorce: How to protect your business?
Divorce : Comment protéger son entreprise ?
Customer payment: a problem?
Paiement client : un problème de recouvrement ?
Le portage salarial : avantages et inconvénients
Alternating recruitment subsidies for 2023 are still very attractive !
Business transfer: how to transfer your company at a lower cost?
Finance act 2023: the main measures
Finance act 2023: the main measures
Finance act 2023: the main measures
Loi de finances 2023 : les principales mesures
Unemployment benefit for the self-employed.
Liberal professionals
Professionnels libéraux
Closure of our accounting firm for leave
Fermeture de notre cabinet d’expertise comptable pour congés
Transfer of real estate held by an SCI subject to income tax: arbitration to be carried out between the transfer of the property registered in the assets by the SCI or shares?
Minority or majority managers: what you can get reimbursed if you telework
Decisions to be made before the end of the year
Les décisions à prendre avant la fin de l’année
Taxes: how business leaders can benefit from the advantages of employee savings
What are the formalities related to hiring an employee ?
How to pay less income tax in 2023 ?
Taxation of in-kind contributions: capital gain and registration fees
Using the services of a self-employed person: beware, danger!
ZOHOLICS Conference Le 15th september 2022 New Cap Event Center Paris
Summer holidays NGP EXPERTISE
Vacances d'été NGP EXPERTISE
Sale of business assets and transfer of securities (funds or shares)
Your chartered accountant in PARIS 15th informs you on : Refund of a VAT credit
Management packages: overview
Grandparents, keep control of your donation thanks to the assistant pact!
The advice of your accountant in Paris 15th: How to properly declare your income for 2021?
The advice of your accountant in Paris: How to write a good employment contract?
Optimization of the remuneration of your employees: Have you thought about the allocation of free shares?
How to reduce your taxes: 15 measures to pay less taxes in 2022.
Finance law 2022 and real estate: your chartered accountant in Paris 15th takes stock
Commercial lease: your chartered accountant from Paris 15th arrondissement takes stock of the applicable regulations
Introducing Zoho Contracts
How to divide by 66 the taxes related to the transfer of a property?
What your investments really bring you
End of the February 1 deadline to opt for the real regime and extension of the Censi Bouvard system: 2022 begins with two good news on the furnished rental front.
Electronic invoicing: your chartered accountant takes stock of the regulations
NGP EXPERTISE wishes you an excellent new year 2022 !
Closure of our Paris accounting firm for holidays
How to manage an industrial accident in your company?
Designation of beneficiaries of a retirement savings plan
How to react to the tax audit of your company?
Bet on profit sharing through profit sharing and employee participation to boost your company's performance.
LFR 2021: renewal of the exceptional purchasing power bonus definitively adopted.
Rental equipped with professional premises. An excellent strategy… to be handled with care.
Accommodation for one child free of charge. What are the tax and inheritance consequences?
Life insurance: what uses for an effective wealth strategy?
How to manage an accident at work in your company?
We would like to announce the launch of our new website
Placements : la liste des sites frauduleux
Comment réduire vos impôts en 2021 ?
Liberal professionals: how to charge your rent?
Support of fixed costs: your accountant explains everything to you
Reduction of social capital: why and how to reduce it?
Heritage civil society
Optimization: should we opt for the attachment of a child of full age to his tax household?
What if we renounced an inheritance to pass on by reducing the tax?
Donation from grandparents to grandchildren: how to avoid tax?
Acheter des appartements, les rénover puis les revendre : attention !
Did you know that the expatriation bonus can be exempt from income tax?
Real estate investment: SCI vs family SARL match
Finance law 2021: NGP EXPERTISE your chartered accountant in Paris explains everything
Rent assistance for relaunching businesses
Why the PER is deviating from the preferred placement of the French
Distribution of SAS dividends: watch out for the PUMA tax!
Business transfer: Take an interest in the Dutreil Pact!
Your chartered accountant NGP EXPERTISE from PARIS 15 will support you during the Covid-19 crisis
Tax exemption, yes, but not at any cost!
I am going to buy a property, do I have to set up a SCI (Société Civile Immobilière)? What are the pitfalls of SCI? What advice should I follow to set up an SCI?
Covid-19: How to reduce the remuneration of your staff in the event of a decline in activity?
Summer holidays NGP EXPERTISE
A strategic mission in an unprecedented context
SCI and principal residence, a winning idea ?
Co-underwriting of an insurance contract with settlement on the death of the survivor of the spouses, a particularly relevant proposition, both civilly and fiscally
Setting up a foreign company in France: instructions to use
How to transmit € 2,000,000 without inheritance tax!
NGP EXPERTISE wishes you a happy new year 2020!
NGP Expertise is leading a conference at the Lycée Albert de Mun (Paris 7th district) on the theme "The profession of chartered accountant: studies, profession ... in profound change".
Support our clients in the acquisition of a business
How to reduce your costs? Opt for administrative outsourcing!
Family loan: what precautions?
How to get through the cracks of the IFI?
Summer vacation NGP EXPERTISE
Participation in Zoholics France
Focus on candid jobs
Stepfamilies: How to ensure equity among all children at the time of transmission?
Salary savings: take advantage of the cancellation of social package!
NGP EXPERTISE Charter of values
Withdrawal at the source of the IR and exceptional tax credit: calculation method for the self-employed
Cabinet Extranet
Training agenda
Extension of the date of approval of the accounts of a SAS
Privacy policy
How to make a mortgage when you are a non-resident?
Wealth Management: Business Transfer Strategies
Recruitment of an international profile
NGP EXPERTISE vous souhaite une bonne et heureuse année 2019 !
Nos clients parlent de nous !
The acquisition of business premises is a key step in the life of the manager
What is the corporate tax rate for the years 2018 to 2022? ... and what tax credits can we ask for?
Patrimonia Convention
Why do not you pass on your wealth too fast
RGPD: It's not too late to take the right steps!
Prélèvement à la source et Règlement Général de Protection des Données personnelles
Commercial real estate: what to do since the establishment of the IFI and the PFU?
Donation of securities before assignment: pay attention to the abuse of rights!
Contrôle fiscal : qui est dans le viseur ?
Séminaire d'actualisation des connaissances
Les journées de l'Ingénierie Patrimoniale le 7 et 8 février à Paris...
The new 2018 payslip - Employer Information Note
Gestion de patrimoine : les stratégies gagnantes à mettre en place en 2018
Bonne Année 2018 !
Modification de la date d'exigibilité de vos cotisations sociales URSSAF
Développement de nos missions de conseil en gestion de patrimoine.
Vacances d'été NGP EXPERTISE
Leadership training news
Calcul de l'usufruit et de la nue-propriété
Calculation of usufruct and bare ownership
Companies in trouble - "who pays poorly pays twice"
Withdrawal at source and General Rules for the Protection of Personal Data
Assurance-vie : la remontée des taux est-elle une bonne nouvelle ? Quelles conséquences pour la gestion de votre patrimoine ?
Happy new year 2017!
Extranet du Cabinet
Agenda formation
Point sur les principales aides à l’embauche
Prorogation de date d'approbation des comptes d'une SAS
Paiement de votre CFE au 15 décembre
Valeur acquise par un capital placé à intérêts composés pendant une durée déterminée
Valeur acquise par une suite de versements constants
Taux de rendement d'un capital
Taux de rendement d'une suite de versements constants
Calcul du capital emprunté
Calcul de la durée (selon votre capacité de remboursement)
Calcul du versement périodique
Calcul du taux
Calcul des loyers (constants)
Calcul du taux réel (coût réel du crédit-bail)
Calcul de la durée
Absences et congés du salarié
Correspondance jours ouvrés/jours ouvrables
Seuil de rentabilité (estimation rapide)
Calcul des frais kilométriques : véhicules automobiles
Versement transport